Rise Like A Phoenix!

“In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes”, Warhol said; but many people are not satisfied with their “fifteen minutes” – they want more. Some of them are really longing for stardom, some are looking for a more profound and sustainable social recognition and success, others again ‘just’ want more appreciation for the work they’ve done or the person they are. Whatever your aims and motivations are, the Bagua life area for Fame and Recognition is the area of your home you should focus on.


Bagua Map (Lo Shu Square)

The Bagua for fame and recognition is located in the South or in the middle back of your home, opposite the entrance. It represents the element fire, the summer and high noon. Closely associated with this quadrant is the phoenix and the color red

The Fame and Recognition area is connected to the trigram , which is associated with a rapid, circular motion and the force of the sun. Together with the ruling element fire one can recognize, as I like to call it, the “cosmic principle of action”. Literally everything works that way. No matter whether we’re talking about cells, organs, solar systems or galaxies – it is always a circular movement around a central point. This is also true for our activities: Everything we do is an action circling a central intention: in the beginning there is an intention (idea) followed by an action (the doing), which leads to a certain result (reaction). The intention is fulfilled and the circle is closing – we are satisfied to see that our efforts had been successful. Usually we seek for some extra recognition and praise from our environment (teachers, spouses, parents, audience, juries, etc.). Sometimes we even hope for the recognition of God himself; quasi as a posthumous reward in paradise.


Attention: First care about the basic energy and structure of your Bagua zones. The qi must flow freely before you can start planing measures for individual life areas. Install one Feng Shui vehicle or symbol after the other and give it some time to unfold its impact before going on to the next stage.


It’s all about doing it right!

There is nothing exceptional, extraordinary or even negative on fame and recognition – it’s rather a value-neutral conclusion: One or many ‘ones’ confirm that an action had a desired effect. Point – that’s it. Without this confirmation one wouldn’t know that the action had come to an end. That’s why we find it so hard not getting the desired recognition ... Most difficulties arise only due to personal valuations or judgments. Whether we’re actually getting always the desired outcome with our actions or whether we are always aware of our true intentions is however a different topic ... 

At this point I only want to illustrate that people never do something without intent and that the driving force of the fire element is inextricably linked to the theme of fame and recognition. In this sense, the ninth bagua area is not only responsible for the recognition but primarily for the target-oriented and successful doing. The recognition is virtually the consistent result of this action.  

Fire is the basic impetus. Without fire, the Univers would be cold, without light and most probably without any life at all. This energetic phase embodies the vital spark, the battery if you want. Without this dynamo the circulation of the five phases could not be set in motion, and Qi would not be able to flow.

Define Your Feng Shui Intentions for fame and recognition well. When we are clear on our intentions, they materialize more easily. Feng Shui shows us how to connect the energy of the outer world of our homes and the inner world of our intentions.



Easy Fire Element Decorating Tips:

If you want your actions to become more striking, to get more admiration, want to boost your career or you’re looking for more self-assertion and determination in general, you should strengthen this quadrant.

Even if you only want to enhance your visibility, it is important not to cook on low flame! You can conjure up a real firework by using a chandelier, for example. You can create fire energy by using lights, incense sticks, triangular shapes and the colors red and orange. You can keep the fire burning by adding sufficient wood elements.

Trophies and awards feel particularly comfortable in this area. It is important to realize your own values – real recognition and fame demands authenticity. For what do you want to become famous? What does success mean for you? How would you like to be seen by others? Look for personal symbols representing your future plans and create your environment accordingly!

Fire | 火 | Huo, Giclée Print



In Feng Shui the element fire is always related to passion, inspiration, expression and the resulting fame and recognition. A vital and important life field – worth to pay some attention to.


Bagua Area N°9, Giclée Print

In Asia the South is inseparably connected with the symbolism of the phoenix. This mythical bird is not to equate with the Western phoenix, rising from the ashes. In China they call it “fènghuáng” and is regarded as a guarantee for favorable opportunities and financial success. Like its big brother, the Vermilion bird of the South, it stands for energy, enthusiasm and public reputation. This proud bird is full of elegance and beauty and represents the five human qualities: virtue, duty, ritually correct behavior, humanity and reliability. In case you already embody all of these ideals, you do not need to take care of your reputation any longer. 

Some More Tips, Charms And Ideas:

If you’re not that ‘perfect’ yet and want to use this positive and pushy energy, you should definitely pay attention to the ninth quadrant. Design these rooms with plenty of light, triangular shapes and decorative objects to create a motivating, warm and powerful atmosphere.

Red and orange colors suit best for this Bagua area, combined with green and blue hues. 

If you don’t have the possibility to devote an entire room to the subject of this quadrant, you should stimulate the corresponding zones in the other rooms instead, especially in the living room and your office. It would be a pity not to benefit fully from this helpful and shiny power! These areas are ideal to place any kind of visionary and motivating objects/images. Reach for the starts! Place an Oscar statue, or an image of the Nobel price medal. Whatever suits to your dreams, approach them!

Things To Avoid:

Avoid water elements – I know fame and wealth are somehow linked together for many of us, but water (representing wealth) is killing the fire. You better enhance the water energy in your Career and Life Journey are.

Always treat the element fire with respect and caution. It spreads quickly and then also shows its destructive side.


Popular Symbols For This Area:

It’s always good to find personal, symbolic pictures or objects to decorate and boost a specific life area. Your own, positive relation to the piece/symbol can be very helpful! On the other hand, you have to keep in mind, that the cycle of the five phases retains its validity and that also personal symbols have to support the basic concept of the area

Browsing the web you will literally find tons of Feng Shui charms and symbols for your purpose, in any size, style and quality. The following examples from my catalogue do fit well to the Fame and Recognition area as well.


Star (also Sun and Fire)

The biggest fires we actually see are the stars on the sky, notably our central fireball: the sun.

Around the globe, people have always gazed at the night sky, inspired by the twinkling of the stars. In every mythology, stars and constellations played an important role. They tempt us to dream, to speculate and to recognize. They show us our nothingness and our importance at the same time. 

With the necessary knowledge, stars can help us with orientation; spatially (navigation, astronomy) and spiritually (astrology). So it is no big a surprising we associate stars with visions, illusions, secrets, transcendence and wisdom. Comets (trailing stars) even indicate, like a signpost, a clear direction.

Stars are signs and bringers of light, they bring hope, because they shine in the dark, seemingly forever. Stars point beyond us (our existence): to other spiritual levels as well as to the cosmic order of existence. So, who doesn’t want to become a sparkling star him- or herself?

A New Star Is Born, Giclée Print



In China the phoenix is called fènghuáng, fèng is the term for the male and huáng is used for the female. As mentioned previously this mythical bird stands for the five human qualities: virtue, duty, ritually correct behavior, humanity and reliability. Its rare appearance is always seen as an announcement for important events.

The phoenix is regarded as guarantor for favorable opportunity and financial success and denotes (similar to its big brother, the vermilion bird of the South) energy, dynamism, public reputation and peace.

Quite often the phoenix is depicted along with a dragon, dancing or playing with a big pearl. In this combination, the two animals are representing Emperor (dragon) and Empress (phoenix); vicarious for man and woman in general.

The Chinese phoenix is not to be confused with the Western phoenix from the ashes, also some of the symbolism matches very well. This phoenix originates in ancient Egyptian mythology and became a symbol of immortality and resurrection in the classical antiquity. According to the legend, this fire bird is living a 500 years before it burns itself in the Arabian desert on a pile of aromatic twigs and spices, to rise from the ashes immediately.

Phoenix, Art Card, Out Of Stock


Five Bats

In China the bat is one of the most common lucky symbols at all! This is mainly based on the auditory similarity of the two words bat (fú) and happiness (fú). A red bat symbolizes great luck, since the word for red (hóng) means also ‘huge’. Five bats together are increasing the symbol. They represent the five beatitudes: health, long life, wealth, virtue and a quick, natural death. Usually, the five bats are shown flying around the ever popular shou symbol (character for longevity).

Five Bats With Shou, Giclée Print


Fu Xing

Fu Xing (also Fu) is the God of Good Fortune and Happiness. Xing means star and Fu Xing is related with the planet Jupiter. In Taoist legends the Fu star is associated with Yang Cheng, a legendary judge from the 6th century. Yang Cheng risked his life by writing a petition to the Emperor, in order to alleviate the suffering of the population. After his death the people gratefully built a temple to his honor

Usually, Fu Xing is represented in student clothing. In his hand he holds a scroll with the formula that can bring the benignity of fate. Sometimes he is shown surrounded by a bunch of happy children and accompanied by bats, the most common good luck symbol in China!

> Reed about San Xing, the three stars

Fu Xing, Giclée Print


Vermilion Bird Of The South

The vermilion bird of the South is one of the five heavenly beasts (constellation), a fundamental symbol in Taoist cosmology representing the element fire, South, summer, vigor, high noon, elegance, beauty and the colors red and orange. 

He is also regarded as a guarantee for favorable opportunities and financial success, vital  energy, zest for action and public reputation; evoking the feelings of joy, confidence, ease and spontaneity.

> Learn more about the Five Heavenly Beasts

Vermilion Bird Of The South, Giclée Print


Note! Using suitable Feng Shui charms and symbols can harmonize and strengthen Bagua life areas, but can’t replace a energetic Feng Shui consultant, of course. For more complex and individual solutions it’s always worth to invest in a pro!

Thoth Adan

Thoth Adan is a Swiss artist, illustrator, surface designer and symbol enthusiast; located in Salzburg, Austria. His work is focusing on Asian philosophies, such as Zen Buddhism and Taoism.


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