Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony.
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
— Albert Einstein –
reclaimed + patched works:
In his studio, Thoth embarked on a purposeful journey to minimize waste by collecting discarded Washi papers — sketches, damaged drawings, failed attempts, and only partially successful artworks. These papers, made from natural materials, often handcrafted, are too valuable to have them ‘simply recycled’.
Drawing inspiration from Japanese Boro tradition, and the digital concept of fragmentation, Thoth developed the concept for this series.
Boro (襤褸) is a traditional textile technique that involves patching and mending fabric, celebrating the beauty of repair and the value of imperfection. Comparable to western quilting. While fragmentation is a term also used in computer science and data management, explaining the process of dividing a file into separate, non-contiguous parts for efficient storage.
Merging these two concepts, the Fragmentation series explores the process of creation and transformation through division, reworking, and reassembly.
Some pieces from this series, primarily paperworks, celebrate the aesthetic beauty of reclaimed fragments and their new combinations.
Other artworks, mainly on wood panels, emphasize the reclaimed character of reassembled materials, embracing the Wabi-Sabi philosophy of imperfection. Thoth preferably cuts the fragments into uniform units, inspired by the proportions of traditional Tatami¹ mats, and reassembles them meticulously.
Through this series, Thoth not only addresses ecological concerns but also invites philosophical reflection on the value of what we discard and the potential for new significance in overlooked and forgotten elements. The Fragmentations series transforms waste into beauty and encourages a deeper consideration of the fragments in our own lives.
Selected artworks from this series:
Fragmentation N°39
Fragmentation N°49
Fragmentation N°18
Fragmentation N°28
The Bowl | Fragmentation N°1
Fragmentation N°20, 42, 17, 14 + 25
Fragmentation N°50
Fragmentation N°25
Fragmentation N°31, 43, 15 + 33
See available Fragmentations:
Glossary of related terms:
Tatami (畳) : Traditional Japanese mats used as flooring, typically in a 1:2 ratio, serving as inspiration for the uniform proportions used in some of Thoth’s reassembled fragments.