Welcome to my blog!
This is a non-curated mix of snippets and facets of my journey; mostly related to art, symbols and Asian philosophies. Hope you enjoy the reading.
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About My Work
Techniques and Philosophies
A focused discussion on my artistic process, the materials I use, and how philosophical influences shape my work. This piece offers insights into how my art is made and the ideas behind it.
A Turtle Explains The World
This is the story of the Lo Shu turtle and how you can boost the energy in your life areas, using Feng Shui and the magic Bagua square.
Rise Like A Phoenix!
Prestige, reputation and fame seems to be higher a value in our society than ever before, but it takes more than just to strike a pose and hope to get viral. See, what the Fame and Recognition Bagua can do for you.
Good To Know!
It literally makes sense to deal with the Feng Shui Bagua for Knowledge and Wisdom: The more one knows, the wiser one is and the more one is the master of one’s own life.
Use Your Creative Power!
In Feng Shui, the West Bagua area is representing creativity and children – a lively, playful and caring energy full of possibilities and unusual perspectives.
Helpful Friends and Travel
Good friends are amongst the most precious gifts in life. It’s always uplifting to have a helpful soul at our side and to walk part of the journey together. That’s exactly what the Northwest Bagua area is all about: Helpful friends and travel.
It’s all about being centered, literally.
Learning how to center yourself is vital for anything you do. This is also true for your home, especially for the middle square of the Feng Shui Bagua Map, the life area related to spirituality and wholeness.
Attract The Energy Of Wealth!
Money makes the world go round, the world go round … Do you agree? Anyhow, it won’t harm you either, will it? It’s always worth to have a closer look to the Bagua wealth and prosperity area in your home!
The Five Heavenly Beasts
The cycle of the five phases (elements) and its five celestial representatives are of fundamental importance in Feng Shui, TCM and many other Taoist and Asian traditions.
Cure Your Health And Family Area
What the heck does the family have in common with your health? Well, Feng Shui traditions were not thinking about your genes when they connected these two themes together in one Bagua life area. But it makes sense – see yourself!
All You Need Is Love!
No one is an island. As social beings we all need love and some kind of positive, emotional, interpersonal relationships. Actually it is essential for our existence. Learn how to bring good energy to your love and relationships area and boost your emotional life.
Boost Your Career And Life Journey!
Step by step, we are all walking on our personal path. What ever step you plan for your future life and career, it‘s worth having a closer look at the related Bagua life area first!